Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The presidential election is over and the winner is Senator Barack Obama. The Senator from Illinois won MD, VA, DC, and DE (the home of his running mate, Senator Joseph Biden). His unsuccessful rival for the presidency, Senator John McCain from Arizona, won West Virginia.

Declaring that "Change has come to America," President-elect Obama thanked his supporters for his victory and urged all Americans to work together as we tackle the tough issues facing us: two wars, global warming, and an economic crisis. According to our newly elected President, "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep."

Let us keep President-elect Obama and all our nation's leaders--including the current President, George W. Bush, and the defeated candidate for President, Senator John McCain from Arizona--in our prayers.

Note to Maryland voters: Interfaith Works and the Maryland Interfaith Legislative Committee (MILC) express appreciation and gratitude to all who worked so hard across theological and political lines to defeat the slots referendum. Unfortunately, the referendum passed.

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