Monday, October 27, 2008


Non-Partisan Election Resources

Election Day is very near! On November 4th, voters will determine the political leadership of this nation. Christians have a special responsibility to participate in this process of democratic decision-making and to help and encourage others to do the same.

As part of Project FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP, the Disciples Center for Public Witness teamed up with the Disciples Justice Action Network (DJAN) and the National City Christian Church Foundation to produce and then distribute information about nonpartisan election resources to Disciples ministers and other church leaders throughout the region and the nation.

These nonpartisan resources--which were also produced for the October 14th Canadian elections--are available at They can also be downloaded from

Disciples leaders are encouraged to access this information and then share it with other Disciples in their congregational bulletins and newsletters, through their various email networks, and in pre-election citizenship sermons and announcements. Any questions or requests should be directed to the CENTER at or 202-797-0113.

Along with the Pilgrimage Outreach Center and the Proreconciliation-Antiracism Initiative of the Capital Area, the Disciples Center for Public Witness began as a project of DAWN. The Center still relies on DAWN members and volunteers to help carry out much of its advocacy ministry in the nation's Capitol.

To learn more about The Disciples Center for Public Witness,

To support the advocacy ministry of The Disciples Center for Public Witness,

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