Monday, October 22, 2007



. . . to the REV. LARI GRUBBS, regional minister of the Christian Church Capital Area, who yesterday celebrated the 40th Anniversary of his ministry. The Rev. Grubbs, our "Bishop," is a blessing to our region and a blessing to so many ministries in this region. May God bless him abundantly as he continues to carry on his ministry in our region and model servant-leadership among us.

The Rev. Grubbs is honorary co-chair of DAWN (Disciples Advocacy and Witness Network) and a member of the Council of Governors of the Disciples Center for Public Witness. DAWN is a ministry in the Capital Area, and the Capital Area is a partner in the shared ministry of the Center.

. . . to the REV. DR. ALVIN JACKSON, former moderator of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and former senior pastor at National City Christian Church. On yesterday he was installed as the Senior Minister of Park Avenue Christian Church in New York.

Dr. Jackson, who is a member of the leadership team of DJAN (Disciples Justice Action Network), is also a co-founder of the Disciples Center for Public Witness and a member of its Council of Governors.

. . . to DEANNA WHITE--now the Reverend Deanna White--on her ordination to the Christian ministry, which took place yesterday at Hilltop Christian Church in Mantua, Ohio.

The Rev. White, a student of Dr. Michael Kinnamon at Eden Seminary in St. Louis, MO, recently completed an internship for DJAN (Disciples Justice Action Network) at the Washington, DC, offices of the Disciples Center for Public Witness, where she served as an associate for congregational and young adult advocacy. While in the Capital Area, she was also an active participant in the life of United Christian Parish in Reston, Virginia, where one of the co-pastors is Joan Bell-Haynes.

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