Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Message from Our Regional Minister

Dear Friends,
We have all been stunned by the events yesterday at Virginia Tech. This is compounded for Disciples in the Virginia Region by the murder of one of our beloved pastors, the Rev. Nancy Copin, at the Snow Creek Christian Church.

Nancy was pastor there for 22 months, coming from Alabama. Apparently the son of a member needed money and decided he would go to the parsonage on Wed night of Holy Week and get the Palm Sunday offering. Despite the fact that she told him, she did not have it, his anger was irrational and she was murdered. She is survived by adult children living in California.

The Virginia Regional staff were with the congregation for Maundy Thursday and the Regional Minister, Lee Parker, was with them on Easter Sunday. Please pray for that congregation as well as the Regional staff and especially Lee as they minister in this trying time.

The violence of our times seems pervasive. With the death of Nancy Copin and the tragedy at Virginia Tech, western Virginia Disciples are reeling from the losses. This is also not that far from the earlier West Virginia mine tragedy!

Do something kind for someone today. Also pray that the convicting power of the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ may bring all into a loving relationship with God and the entire creation. Prayer is sufficient and is very needed!

In Christ's Name,
Lari Grubbs, Regional Minister
Christian Church Capital Area

PS: I would very much like to know if you know of any Disciples either directly affected by this latest tragedy or if you have students at Virginia Tech. If so, please send me their email address so that I may send a pastoral letter to them from all of us. Thank you.

For a story about Nancy Copin in The Roanoke Times,

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