Wednesday, March 28, 2007


TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Pass a Moral Budget!


Congress is deciding on the outlines of this year's federal budget. At stake are billions of dollars for working families and poor children in the United States and around the globe.

For years now, people of faith have been fighting bad budgets that prioritize tax cuts and military spending over social supports for the poorest in our society. This year, Congress has an opportunity to pass a budget that puts people first.

When the faith community speaks, it's voice is being heard: The Senate passed a budget with billions of dollars in new funds for children's health care, food stamps for hungry families, and aid to alleviate extreme poverty in the world's poorest countries.

Now the U.S. House of Representatives is preparing to vote on its own budget resolution, which must match or exceed the Senate's commitment to these pressing priorities.

Tell your representative to vote for a moral budget that honors our commitment to "the least of these"!

To contact your Representative by phone,
please dial the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

To contact your Representative with an email, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

For background information on this issue from our interfaith allies at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

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