Monday, April 16, 2007


The Virginia Tech Tragedy

The following statement was released by the Rev. C. Douglas Smith, Disciples Minister and Executive Director of the Virginia Interfaith Center.

Violence shattered the normal serenity of Blacksburg, Virginia this morning. As with every instance of violence, details are difficult to distinguish from rumors and it may be days or weeks before we understand what has transpired, if at all. But we do know that tragedy has come to one of Virginia's premiere college campuses and fear terrorizes those left behind.

Our prayers are with the victim's families and friends, as well as the greater Virginia Tech community in this time of confusion and sadness. While much of the media attention in the next hours will understandably focus on who is to blame for these senseless killings, the Center is also aware that survivors will need
companions on their grief-filled journies. Surely God is with them, and all of us, in these hours.

I urge members of the Center to keep these victims and their families in their thoughts and prayers. Members of the Center will be working with other organizations and ministries to plan local vigils and provide a pastoral presence for the campus of Virginia Tech and the greater community at large. I encourage those public responses of grief and remembrance to include opportunities for all persons of faith, as well as those searching, to actively participate."

Doug Smith

Those wishing to share comments, prayers, and condolences are invited to use The Center will be sending a copy of all appropriate messages to the President of Virginia Tech later this month.

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