Sunday, April 01, 2007


Palm/Passion Sunday

Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.

Today, Disciples of Christ join with Christians of other denominations and faith traditions around the world to celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday--a time when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was welcomed by crowds of people as a populist preacher and a triumphant movement leader. But the celebration would not last very long: Soon the religious and political establishments would conspire with one another and, with the support of a disillusioned and fickle crowd, bring the subversive prophet to his death.

May God grant us greater insight, faith and commitment as we once again enter liturgically, theologically, politically and spiritually into the mysteries of Christ's death and resurrection.

For reflections on Palm/Passion Sunday from a justice advocacy perspective, please visit the following web sites by clicking on the links:

Education for Justice.
Partners in Urban Transformation.
Rev. Paul E. Carrier, Fairfield University Chaplain.
Elizabeth Morris Downie, Episcopal Women's Caucus.
Rev. Ignacio Castuera, Trinity United Methodist Church, Pomona, CA.

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