Thursday, February 01, 2007



A job should keep you out of poverty, not in it.

"Vote for a minimum wage increase now!"

That's what every Senator should hear from his/her constituents.

Call 1-800-459-1887 today!

Working families recently enjoyed a major victory in the House of Representatives when our elected representatives voted overwhelmingly (315-116) for a bill that would increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour.

Soon, possibly today, the Senate will vote on whether to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour by 2009. Tell them to vote “yes” without delaying tactics or amendments.

Call both your Senators now!

Step 1: Call 1-800-459-1887, toll-free, to be connected to the U.S. Capitol Switchboard.

Step 2: Ask to be connected to your Senator's office.
To find out information about your Senators, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Step 3: Tell the staffer who answers the phone:

Hi, my name is _______________ and I'm a constituent and a Christian who believes that paying a fair wage is a moral issue. Please tell Senator ______ to vote "yes" on the bill to increase the minimum wage to $7.25 by 2009. Please - no more delays, no more amendments. Increase the minimum wage now." {Remember to be polite and thank the staffer}.

Then please follow steps 1-3 to call your other Senator.

Call both your senators today, toll-free, at 1-800-459-1887.

To read a statement of support from hundreds of business owners, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

To read about a letter sent by over 1000 clergy and religious leaders, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

To read the Disciples resolution on the living wage passed at the 2005 General Assembly in Portland, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

To learn more about the Minimum Wage Campaign, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

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