Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Regional Event Honoring Dr. King

WHERE: Henson Valley Christian Church
Fort Washington, MD.
WHEN: 10:30 am to 4 pm
Saturday, January 19th, 2008
There will be worship, workshops, and opportunities to learn about and support diverse ministries of social justice and mission outreach in our region.

Senior Pastor, Third Street Church of God
Professor of Christian Ethics, Howard Divinity School.
SPECIAL MUSIC by the Harmonizing Kings of Annapolis and also the Rev. Judy Bowles of Pilgrimage Christian Church.
LUNCH will be served: Suggested donation = $5.
Two SPECIAL OFFERINGS will be taken: one for the social ministries of the Capital Area and one to thank and honor Pat Comedy for his years of ministry and service at the Bradley Center.
For more information, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To register for the event, PLEASE CLICK HERE. (Registration not required, but suggested in order to help us prepare enough food).
Please plan to join us there.
We hope to see you and at least 4 other people from your congregation.
Thursday, January 10, 2008

To read Rev. Dunn's message to the region, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Have a Blessed Epiphany!

On this holy Feast of the Epiphany, we wish you a blessed new year and pray that you will have many opportunities to share and receive gifts--especially the gifts of God's compassion, justice and peace.
The icon, "The Holy Epiphany," is the work of Lewis Williams. This and other icons can be found at Bridge Building Images.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!

The DISCIPLES ADVOCACY and WITNESS NETWORK (DAWN) of the Christian Church Capital Area wishes you, your family, and all your loved ones a happy and blessed new year.
As we enter a new year, please keep in your prayers the ministries of DAWN and its many partners in mission.