Thursday, January 21, 2010


White House Official Speaks at Regional Gathering to Honor Dr. King

Paul Monteiro, Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement, was this year's guest speaker at the Christian Church Capital Area's annual event celebrating the birthday, life, mission, ministry, vision, and continuing challenge of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mr. Montiero is a lawyer and a teacher who served on Barack Obama's staff when the latter was a Senator. When the Senator became a candidate for President, Montiero became the Deputy Director of Religious Affairs. After the Senator was elected President, Monteiro helped organize the Inaugural National Prayer Service, which included Dr. Cynthia Hale, Senior Pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, GA, as a participant and featured GMP Sharon Watkins as the first woman ever to deliver the sermon at a Presidential Inauguration event.

The Capital Area event was hosted by Twelfth Street Christian Church and its Senior Pastor, Dr. Paul Saddler. The worship leader was The Rev. Michael Paige, Chair of the region's Commission for Mission and pastor at Michigan Park Christian Church; and the presiding minister was the Regional Minister, The Rev. Lari Grubbs. The speaker was introduced by Dr. Ken Brooker Langston, director of the Disciples Justice Action Network and coordinator of the Disciples Center for Public Witness.

Mr. Monteiro spoke to a gathering of over 100 Disciples and others about the humanity of our heroes and the heroic potential of all people, no matter how imperfect we may be.

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