Monday, June 04, 2007



General Minister and President Sharon E. Watkins will be among a group of five religious leaders who will question the three leading Democratic presidential contenders during a live national TV broadcast on Monday, June 4. The "Presidential Forum on Faith, Values, and Poverty," will be broadcast live by CNN at 7 p.m. from the campus of George Washington University in Washington D.C. The hour-long forum will be a first-of-its-kind special edition of the "Situation Room" and be moderated by CNN's Soledad O'Brien.

"I am pleased to participate in a forum which explicitly intends to bring the language and concerns of people of faith into the political process," said Watkins. "I'll be very interested to watch in the fall when Sojourners has the same style forum with Republican presidential candidates."

Watkins will be joined on the panel by Jim Wallis, president and executive director of Sojourners/Call to Renewal and a scheduled speaker during the 2007 General Assembly in Fort Worth, Texas; Kevin Sullivan, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York; Suzan Johnson Cook, senior pastor at Believers' Christian Fellowship in New York City; and Joel C. Hunter, senior pastor of Northland Church in Orlando, Fla. Disciples are encouraged to organize groups to view the broadcast. The forum will take place during Sojourners' annual Pentecost 2007 conference. To get more information about the forum, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

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