Friday, October 30, 2009
Ex-Tobacco Insider Says Companies Target African Americans
According to Wright (who resigned when Brown & Williamson merged with J. R. Reynolds), "A lot of people living in black communities don't recognize that. My goal is to educate people in churches, schools and community centers, as well as public health officials."
West Virginia is first in the nation in the use of chewing tobacco, second in smoking during pregnancy, and third in the number of adult smokers in relation to the overall population.
Source: The Charleston Gazette:
Friday, October 16, 2009

The Capital Area Regional Office is in the process of moving to the facilities in the North Chevy Chase Christian Church. The Office is closed from 5:00 pm on Friday, October 16 and will reopen on Wednesday October 28 (due to issues in transferring telephone service).
Please note that our new address is:
Christian Church Capital Area
8814 Kensington Parkway, Suite 208
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6743
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Service of Remembrance and Hope
Help us remember!
Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Hope
for Health Care for All
Tuesday, October 20th - 12:00 noon
National City Christian Church in Washington, DC
On the October 20th National Day of Remembrance and Hope, people of faith all over the country will wrap their hearts around the unnecessary suffering and deaths that occur every year due to lack of needed health care. Set to coincide with activities planned on the same date by many other organizations, this Day of Remembrance will demonstrate the faith community's effort to say, "We won't forget!" It will be our opportunity to commit to continuing our work in hopeful expectation for comprehensive and compassionate health care reform.
The Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Hope at National City Christian Church will include the stories of those who have died and will feature music, prayer, liturgical dance and candlelighting in their memory. Attendees will enter the service with the mournful sound of bagpipes, and will be graced with the music of one of the district's finest organs before and after the service.
Please RSVP to assist with our planning! And then, share this invitation with your friends, family, and colleagues. It is our participation in events such as this that will demonstrate our collective moral witness for health care reform. It will be one more affirmation that we seek a health care future grounded in the sacred bonds of our common humanity, compassion, shared responsibility, concern for those who are most vulnerable, and faithful stewardship in the midst of abundance.
For more information about the National Day of Remembrance and Hope of which this Interfaith Service is a part, PLEASE CLICK HERE.