Thursday, August 20, 2009
Disciples Join President Obama and 140,000 People of Faith on a Health Care Conference Call Hosted by Religious Organizations

Among the speakers on the call were two prominent Disciples: Dr. Sharon E. Watkins, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Dr. Cynthia Hale, Senior Pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, GA. Also on the call was Dr. Joel Hunter, Senior Pastor of Northland, A Church Disributed, in Northland, FL. (Joel attended seminary at a Disciples institution of higher learning, the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN).
This highly successful conference call was linked with two efforts that are currently underway: the "40 Days for Health Reform" campaign to mobilize people of faith to pressure Congress to pass health insurance reform; and the "Let Our Light Shine" campaign to organize health care reform prayer vigils, worship services and other events throughout the month of August. (The health care vigil and rally at the recent General Assembly, organized by Faithful Reform in Health Care and the Disciples Justice Action Network, was the kick-off event for this campaign).
Yesterday's call lifted up the inspiring efforts of tens of thousands of people of faith across the United States to promote a civil dialogue and ensure that Congress passes legislation in 2009 that will make quality health care accessible and affordable for all Americans.
A recording of the call is available at, which live-streamed the call.
More information about the call and about ongoing campaigns is available at and
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The conference is being hosted by religious organizations--including DJAN--and will include thousands of people of faith. Religious leaders speaking on the call include GMP Sharon Watkins and Ray of Hope Senior Pastor Cynthia Hale.
The organizers of the conference call invited the President of the United States to join the call. He accepted. Won't you? Please RSVP TODAY.