Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Meet and Talk with Author Jean Zaru from Palestine

WHO: Jean Zaru, author of Occupied with Nonviolence: A Palestinian Woman Speaks (Fortress Press, 2008)
WHEN: Thursday, September 18th
Lecture: 11 AM - Noon
Book Signing: Noon - 12.30 PM
WHERE: National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle, Washington, DC , in the Howland Center. (Please use the 14th Street entrance). To view a map, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
DETAILS: Join us for an exceptional opportunity to hear and dialogue with Jean Zaru, internationally acclaimed speaker and author of Occupied with Nonviolence: A Palestinian Woman Speaks (Fortress Press, 2008). Jean is a native of Ramallah, a Palestinian Quaker and leader in both Palestinian and world-wide ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Jean’s entire adult life is marked by her struggle for human rights and justice – for women, for her society and for her people.
The event is free. Reservations required by 2 pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2008. Please RSVP to Marla Schrader at marlaschrader@verizon.net.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Role of Philosophy in Modern Politics

Admission is free. A light lunch will be served at 11.30 AM.
Featured Speakers:
Michael Boylan, author, The Good, the True, and the Beautiful;
Susan Neiman, author, Moral Clarity: A Guide for Grown-up Idealists
Moderated by:
John Halpin, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Details: At a time when political discourse is seemingly consumed with trivial matters, authors Susan Neiman and Michael Boylan remind us of the moral and ethical questions that once informed our politics and how they can help move us forward today.
Please join the Center for American Progress for a moderated book discussion with the authors and an examination of how abstract philosophy intersects with practical policy making.
Copies of the books will be available for purchase at the event.
Center for American Progress1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Map & Directions:
Nearest Metro: Blue/Orange Line to McPherson Square or Red Line to Metro Center.
RSVP for this Event:
For more information, please call 202-682-1611.