Saturday, June 21, 2008
TAKE ACTION: Support Clean Elections in WV

As a coalition partner with WV Citizens for Clean Elections, the West Virginia Council of Churches is sponsoring a petition drive to demonstrate that the citizens of our state want to change the way our Delegates and Senators are elected. We want a more diverse field of qualified candidates to have a fair shot at being elected - without being beholden to special interest donations. Public campaign financing is working in Maine, Arizona, North Carolina, and other states, and better public policies that work for all the voters is a result!
If you are a citizen of West Virginia, you can be involved by signing a petition and telling your friends about this campaign. If you are not a citizen of West Virginia, please tell all your friends and relatives about this campaign and urge them to sign the petition. The WV coalition plans to collect as many signatures as possible to present to Legislative leaders as we push for passage of the Public Campaign Financing Act during the 2009 legislative session!
To sign the petition, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Congratulations to Dr. Carpenter!

The anniversary will be celebrated with a three-day revival (June 11 - 13), featuring Rev. Dr. Alton W. Jordan (Senior Pastor of Crusaders Baptist Church), Rev. Keith W. Byrd, Sr. (Senior Pastor of Zion Baptist Church), and Bishop Glen A. Staples (Senior Pastor and Presiding Prelate of the Temple of Praise). Services will be nightly at 7 PM.
Dr. Carpenter is an advocate of justice ministries and a strong supporter of the work of DJAN (the Disciples Justice Action Network) on the national level and DAWN (the Disciples Advocacy and Witness Network) on the regional level.

Join us as we pray for Dr. Carpenter, her ministry at Michigan Park, the members of her church, and the commitment of Dr. Carpenter, her team of ministers, and her congregation to a better world for all God's children.
To learn more about Dr. Carpenter, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To learn more about Michigan Park Christian Church, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To order one or more copies of Dr. Carenter's African American Heritage Hymnal for yourself, your Bible class, your congregation, or your Divinity School, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
ALSO: Listen to Dr. Carpenter on WYCB (1340 AM) every Saturday afternoon at 2.30 pm.