Friday, March 21, 2008


READ: Report on Transportation Taxes

The Commonwealth Institute recently released a report on the impact of transportation taxes on low income families in Virginia. To download and read this report, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Local Disciples Participate in Special Event with UCC at Ecumenical Advocacy Days

The Rev. Noemi Mena (Pastor of Iglesia Cristiani Nacional at National City Christian Church), Dr. Robert Perry (Senior Minister of the Inter-Faith Chapel at Leisure World), and Kristen Walling (an undergraduate student at American University and a member of National City Christian Church) joined with national leaders Dr. Michael Kinnamon (General Secretary of the National Council of Churches), Callie Rogers-Witte (Co-Executive of Global Ministries), and Dr. Richard Hamm (Executive Administrator of Christian Churches Together) at an advocacy event for Disciples and members of the United Church of Christ at this year's Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global Peace with Justice. Local Disciples were invited to join conference participants from across the nation for this special event.

To read more, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Audio and video recordings will soon be available. For more information, please check back here.