Monday, December 24, 2007
For those who are celebrating Kwanzaa, the DISCIPLES ADVOCACY and WITNESS NETWORK (DAWN) of the Christian Church Capital Area wishes you, your family, and all your loved ones a wonderful celebration of family, community and culture.
For those of you not celebrating this important holiday, we pray that the values promoted by Kwanzaa will help focus your Christian faith and guide your thoughts and actions throughout the new year. These values are unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba) and faith (imani).
For more information about Kwanzaa, PLEASE CLICK HERE or HERE or HERE.
The DISCIPLES ADVOCACY and WITNESS NETWORK (DAWN) of the Christian Church Capital Area wishes you a very Merry Christmas. May the Prince of Peace whose birth we now celebrate bring peace, justice and reconciliation to our war-torn and wounded world.
The icon, "The Nativity of Christ" is the work of Monastery Icons. This and other icons and religious art can be found at Bridge Building Images.