Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To find out how members of the Senate voted, please CLICK HERE.
BACKGROUND: Residents of Washington, D.C.--including our Disciples sisters and brothers in the Capital Area--are denied the basic right to full representation in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Having a voice in the creation of public policy is an integral part of American citizenship, yet those who reside in the nation's capital are denied this right and have no say on health care, social security, environmental protection, public safety, and foreign policy.
In April, the DC House Voting Rights Act of 2007 passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 241-177. This vote-neutral and nonpartisan legislation would permanently expand the size of the House of Representatives to 437 by granting a vote to DC and to the state of Utah, which came closest to receiving an additional seat in the 2000 Census.
Introduced by Senators Lieberman (I-CT) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the Senate version of the bill is S. 1257. Today there is a procedural vote on whether to allow the bill to go forward to an actual vote. If there are not enough votes to break a potential filibuster, the bill will probably not be considered again this year.
TAKE ACTION: The Senate is currently scheduled to address this issue TODAY at 2.15 pm. If you live outside the District of Columbia, please call your Senators NOW (202-224-3121) or CLICK HERE to find the information to email them.
If you live in the District of Columbia, urge your friends and colleagues who live outside the District to call their Senators IMMEDIATELY.
Urge Senators not to block or filibuster this important voting rights bill!
Saturday, September 15, 2007

WHEN: 2 - 4 PM on Sept.30, 2007
WHERE: National City Christian Church
Oscar Haynes is living history. In his ninety-one years he has seen his country go from court-enforced segregation and Jim Crow laws to African Americans running for President, sitting on the Supreme Court, and serving as U. S. Secretary of State. Oscar has seen his Disciples church grow from segregated national offices to African American friends becoming moderators of the denomination. As a leader, journalist and dedicated member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Oscar has more than done his part in contributing to this national and religious journey to justice, and in pointing out how far there is yet to go.
The Disciples of Christ Historical Society, on behalf of a grateful church, is now honoring Oscar by naming the room that displays our historic artifacts the Oscar Haynes Exhibit Hall. National City and you are to be a significant part of this denomination-wide recognition. On Sunday, September 30, from 2 to 4 p.m., Oscar will be feted with a reception and program which will feature music from our own church as well as from other churches.
Dr. William Lee, immediate past moderator, will be the featured speaker. Dr. Stephen Gentle will emcee the program. During the festivities you will have the opportunity to present your checks in support of the Historical Society and in gratitude for one of our great pioneers in faith. National City invites everyone to join the congregation for worship at 8:30 or 11:00 AM, then come back to the church by 2:00 PM to receive one of Oscar’s great hugs.
Among so many other forms of service, Oscar serves as Emeritus Officer of the National City Christian Church Foundation, Trustee and Elder Emeritus of Twelfth Street Christian Church, Senior Fellow for Organizational Development and Church Relations at the Disciples Center for Public Witness, and editor-in-chief of The Oldtimer's Grapevine.
Youth Lock-In and Mission Day
WHEN:October 12 7:00 PM
WHERE:National City Christian Church
5 Thomas Circle, Washington, DC
Speaker: Sara Critchfield,
Policy Advocate, the United Church of Christ
and the Disciples Center for Public Witness.
Youth Lock-in Coordinator: Kristen Walling, American University
What We Will Do: get to know each other •
play games • feast on pizza • learn about mission •
get fired up • worship • discuss relevant issues
WHEN: October 13 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
WHERE: Downtown Washington DC
Youth Mission Coordinator: Jayna Powell, Christian Temple
What We Will Do: make a difference in the lives
of the homeless and hungry in DC • experience the
needs of the inner city • offer our hands in mission •
have fun • live out hospitality • eat lunch • meet new friends

Registration Deadline: October 1, 2007
CLICK HEREto get your registration forms or register online.
Questions? Call 301-942-8266 or
CLICK HERE to email Nathan Hill,
Young Adult & Youth Ministry Specialist for the
Christian Church Capital Area and
Associate for Communications and Young Adult Advocacy for the Disciples Center for Public Witness.
These events are part of the SALT and LIGHT 2007 conference being held at National City Christian Church. CLICK HERE to download a registration form and a flier to post at your church and share with your friends.
ALSO: Please stop by the booth hosted by DAWN and the Disciples Center for Public Wintness for information about opportunities for getting more involved in justice advocacy with other Disciples and with our ecumenical and interfaith partners.

WHERE: National City Christian Church
Five Thomas Circle, Washington, DC
Please join other Disciples at this special training event sponsored by the Commission on Congregational Life of the Christian Church Capital Area.
CLICK HERE for more information.
CLICK HERE to register online.
CLICK HERE to pay. (Registration Cost: $40.00).
ALSO: Please stop by the booth hosted by DAWN and the Disciples Center for Public Wintness for information about ways to get your congregation and church members more involved in ministries of public witness and justice advocacy.