Thursday, July 26, 2007
Two resolutions from congregations in the Christian Church Capital Area were passed by voting delegates at the General Assembly meeting in Fort Worth, Texas. The first, submitted by Landover Christian Church, was a resolution on proportionate representation for people of color in church-wide leadership positions. The resolution called on church leadership at all levels--congregational, regional, and general--to "recognize, foster, encourage, embrace, support and utilize leaders who are people of color" in the hope that such intentional action might "create, provide and sustain an environment where people of color are encouraged to assume, and are given the opportunity to assume roles of ecclesial, liturgical and administrative leadership of the churches of our individual and corporate ministries."
The second successful resolution, submitted by Shepherd Park Christian Church, called upon the church to declare publicly and officially that "any and all use of torture is totally unacceptable - that it is contrary to the Word of God and in opposition to the foundational principles of a democratic society." The resolution also called upon the Office of the General Minister and President and Disciples Communications Ministries to promote this resolution and to distribute it "to Disciples regions, congregations and institutions of higher learning with a request for serious consideration of this issue and an invitation to endorse the statement by the National Religious Coalition Against Torture."
A third resolution, submitted by University Church in Chicago, was co-drafted by Rev. Neomi Mena, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries at National City Christian Church. The resolution addressed the issue of immigration, calling on "all Disciples members, congregations, regions, and general ministries to, from a faith perspective with intentionality reflect on current immigration issues, embrace and form relationships with immigrants (especially Disciples immigrant congregations), advocate immigration reform legislation that is just, humane and compassionate, and provide hospitality that meets the needs of our immigrant neighbors in the areas of food, clothing, housing, health care, education, employment, legal assistance, and refuge."
To read the resolution submitted by Landover Christian Church, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the resolution submitted by Shepherd Park Christian Church, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the statement on torture by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the resolution on immigration, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
The second successful resolution, submitted by Shepherd Park Christian Church, called upon the church to declare publicly and officially that "any and all use of torture is totally unacceptable - that it is contrary to the Word of God and in opposition to the foundational principles of a democratic society." The resolution also called upon the Office of the General Minister and President and Disciples Communications Ministries to promote this resolution and to distribute it "to Disciples regions, congregations and institutions of higher learning with a request for serious consideration of this issue and an invitation to endorse the statement by the National Religious Coalition Against Torture."
A third resolution, submitted by University Church in Chicago, was co-drafted by Rev. Neomi Mena, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries at National City Christian Church. The resolution addressed the issue of immigration, calling on "all Disciples members, congregations, regions, and general ministries to, from a faith perspective with intentionality reflect on current immigration issues, embrace and form relationships with immigrants (especially Disciples immigrant congregations), advocate immigration reform legislation that is just, humane and compassionate, and provide hospitality that meets the needs of our immigrant neighbors in the areas of food, clothing, housing, health care, education, employment, legal assistance, and refuge."
To read the resolution submitted by Landover Christian Church, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the resolution submitted by Shepherd Park Christian Church, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the statement on torture by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To read the resolution on immigration, PLEASE CLICK HERE.