Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Workshop: The Bible and Pastoral Care

Healing for Wholeness
Asbury Methodist Village
409 Russell Avernue
Gaithersburg, MD
Friday, 22 June 2007
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
Community Rooms A, B, and C
Facilitated by:
Dr. Denise Dombkowski Hopkins
and Dr. Michael S. Koppel
of Wesley Theological Seminary
This workshop will present a conversation between Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and pastoral theology and care. Connections between the tensions, ambiguities, and complexities of biblical stories and our own stories will be examined. The goal is to examine assumptions about the Bible and pastoral care so that the Bible can become a more useful resource in pastoral caring.
Deadline: May 25, 2007
Limited to 40 Persons
To find out more, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
To download a registration form, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Sojourners National Conference

Pentecost 2007: Taking the Vision to the Streets
National City Christian Church
June 3 - 6, 2007
Come hear Jim Wallis, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, our own Jennifer Kottler and many others discuss faith, moral values, and public policy, especially ways to put poverty at the top of our national agenda.

A March to Capitol Hill, Congressional visits and a Capitol Hill reception will take place on Tuesday, June 5th.
The Presidential Candidates Forum will occur on Monday, June 4. At this time, forum seating is only guaranteed for Pentecost registrants. But more seating may become available. (The forum will be nationally televised by CNN at 7 pm EST).
To read more, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
For more information about the conference,